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How Rhondre Doubled His Demo Output in 30 Days, Filling Calendars for 5 Sales Reps

Rhondre's thoughts here:

Rhondre works for an amazing FinTech company based in Florida.

Before, Rhondre was running cold outreach automation, but had little success. It was clunky, required a lot of manual labor and cost, and wasn't delivering the throughput he was looking for.

After using our system, Rhondre was able to double the amount of demos he was generating previous in just 30 days, and is now filling calendars for a team of 5 sales reps!

His reps compliment him on the automation backend and agree their jobs are a LOT easier with it in place.

"One of the reps said "This amount of automation you guys have in place, really sets you different from any other companies I've ever worked with...This makes my job a WHOLE lot easier!""

- Rhondre Giscombe

If you need help growing your company WAY too efficiently, book a time with my team here:

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